Classic Kelly Worden
Anyo Isa Beyond Form
Ultimate Street Fighter
Kelly S. Worden shares battle and street tested defensive tactics through his Renegade Jeet Kune Do. If you’re serious about self-defense, this classic DVD content is for you.
Defensive Walking Cane
This instructional format brings you the techniques and strategic tools you need to develop immediate confidence, refined physical skills and a sense of heightened awareness in the functional usage of the walking cane!
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A revolutionary presentation of Modern Arnis! Expanded and applies with the dynamic insights awarded to Kelly S. Worden from the direct teachings of the Grandmaster and founder of Modern Arnis himself, 'Professor Remy A. Presas!'
Bridging Hands
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The content shared offers a concise presentation that guides you to connect the systems and shares a practical curriculum in the spirit of Kelly S. Worden’s critically acclaimed “Destroy-Trap-Lock format.
Long Pole
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Kelly S. Worden is renowned worldwide for his insights into the Long Pole Staff; learn the striking and deflection patterns that will allow you to connect the systems from weapon to empty hand.
Sharing the Art-Taky Kimura
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Taky Kimura' opens the door for Kelly S. Worden to be a guest instructor at his kwoon. Worden has instructed the Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do 'closed door group' on multiple occasions!
Heavy Hitters
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"Heavy Hitters, Fist-Loads and Force Multipliers" is a dynamic training packed with functional material that really does connect the systems! Karate, Boxing, Dirty Boxing, Arnis, Kali, Jeet Kune Do and more, no matter your skill level.
Kickboxing Street Defense
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Kelly S. Worden is renowned worldwide for his insights into the Long Pole Staff; learn the striking and deflection patterns that will allow you to connect the systems from weapon to empty hand.
Strip and Counter Strips 1-13
Strips from strikes 1-13 plus the counter to the strip
FMA-JKD Connection
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Datu Kelly S. Worden makes the connection between Filipino Martial Arts and JKD/Non-Classical Gung Fu. In this video there are Single stick, double stick and open hand connections. Bridging, Trapping, locking and finishes that transcend the systems of Filipino Martial Arts and JKD
Worden 21st Century Knife
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Focusing only on what works on the street, Worden cuts through the myth and hype regarding bladed combat to give you a program you can use to get yourself out of a steel-pointed jam.
Urban Knife Warfare
Strips from strikes 1-13 plus the counter to the strip
"Heavy Hitters, Fist-Loads and Force Multipliers" is a dynamic training packed with functional material that really does connect the systems! Karate, Boxing, Dirty Boxing, Arnis, Kali, Jeet Kune Do and more, no matter your skill level.
Destroy, Trap, Lock
Focusing only on what works on the street, Worden cuts through the myth and hype regarding bladed combat to give you a program you can use to get yourself out of a steel-pointed jam.
Double Stick 1.5
Explore a new dimension of Double Stick Sinawali Patterns and applications! Kelly S. Worden shares the connection that will open the door to your personal skill development.